Pieris canidia
Common Name:
Sexual Dimorphism:
Flight time:
Life History:
Larval hosts:
(all locations)
Adult food sources:
(all locations)
(click to enlarge)
the Indian Cabbage White Photos at the bottom of the page
Arthropoda - Insecta - Lepidoptera - Pieridae - Pierinae - Pieris - canidia (Linnaeus, 1768)
wingspan - 45-55mm, wing colour - white w/black markings, eye colour - white, proboscis colour - white, antennae colour - black/white banded, abdomen colour - white, leg colour - white, flight - weak
India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore
all year, depending on location
open areas in evergreen forest, grassland, and agricultural land; up to 3500m a.s.l. (in Nepal)
¦¦ egg 3 days ¦¦ instar1 2-3 days ¦¦ instar2 2 days ¦¦ instar3 2 days ¦¦ instar4 2 days ¦¦
¦¦ instar5 3 days ¦¦ pupa 7 days ¦¦ Total egg-adult 21-23 days. All times approximate.
Brassica oleracea, Brassica rapa, Raphanus acanthiformis, Rorippa dubia, Rorippa indica, Sinapis arvensis,
Sisymbrium sp. (Brassicaceae), Cleome rutidosperma, Cleome spinosa (Cleomaceae)
Actual host plant used depends upon location and availabilty of plant species.
Nectar: Acmella calva, Ageratum conyzoides, Ageratina adenophora, Bidens pilosa, Chromolaena odoratum, Elephantopus tomentosus, Synedrella nodiflora, Tridax procumbens (Asteraceae), Coffea benghalensis, Serissa
japonica (Rubiaceae), Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), Oplismenus undulatifolius (Poaceae), Oxalis latifolia (Oxalidaceae), Sida acuta, Sida rhombidea (Malvaceae), Plectranthus barbatus, Salvia leucantha (Lamiaceae), Justicia japonica (Acanthaceae), Solanum nigrum (Solanaceae), Cytisus scoparius, Trifolium repens (Fabaceae), Ophiopogon intermedius (Asparagaceae), Verbascum thapsus (Scrophulariaceae)
Other: mud puddling