Spalgis epius DATASHEET

Spalgis epius

Spalgis epius




Common Name:



Sexual Dimorphism:


Flight time:


Life History:


Larval hosts:
(all locations)

Adult food sources:
(all locations)

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the Apefly                       Photos at the bottom of the page

Arthropoda - Insecta - Lepidoptera - Lycanidae - Miletinae - Spalgis - epius  (Moore, 1879)

wingspan - 20-30mm, wing colour - white/brown/grey, eye colour - yellowish green, proboscis colour - creamy white, antennae colour - black/white banded with orange tips, abdomen colour - grey, leg colour - white/red banded,

flight - erratic and fast

unusually the male is larger than the female and fw apex is more pointed

Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines

all year depending on location

rainforest and humid deciduous forest up to 500m a.s.l.

¦¦   egg    3-4 days   ¦¦   instar1    2-3 days   ¦¦   instar2    2-3 days   ¦¦   instar3    2-3 days   ¦¦   instar4    3-4 days   ¦¦
¦¦   instar5    n/a   ¦¦   pupa    10-14 days   ¦¦    Total egg-adult 25-30 days.   All times approximate.


no specific plant hosts are used as the larvae of this species are wholly aphytophagous and feed on mealy bug eggs, nymphs, and larvae

Nectar: not known to feed on flowers for nectar

Other: adults feed on small hemipterans and animal dung, likes human sweat

Spalgis epius the butterfly known as the Apefly
Lateral view


Spalgis epius
Dorsal view




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