Libythea myrrha


<> Libythea myrrha  Godart,1819 <>

the Club Beak     ผีเสื้อหัวแหลมกระบอง


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Libythea myrrha
Photo taken at Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 620m a.s.l.

Quite common and widespread across the region. Members of this family are easily recognised by the long palpi or beak from which their common names are derived. Both sexes are very similar in appearance and size. Multivoltine with several broods per annum. 

Synonyms and previously used names:    Libythea sanguinalis

Taxonomy:  Animalia - Arthropoda - Insecta - Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae - Libytheinae - Libythea - myrrha

Regional Distribution:  India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines

Habitat:  evergreen and deciduous forest, up to 1200m a.s.l.                                  Wingspan:  45-55mm

Flight time:  all year depending on location 

Larval Hosts:  Celtis philippensis, Celtis sinensis, Celtis tetrandra, Celtis timorensis (Cannabaceae), Tragia involucrata, Tragia plukenetii (Euphorbiaceae).  Actual host plant used depends upon location and availabilty of plant species.

Adult Food Sources:  Nectar - Coelogyne corymbosa (Orchidaceae), Rhododendron grande (Ericaceae). There may be other nectar sources although this species is not seen visiting flowers very often.  Other: mud puddling, animal dung and urine.

Libythea myrrha
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Libythea myrrha
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Libythea myrrha
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Libythea myrrha
Yangon, Myanmar

Libythea myrrha
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Celtis tetrandra
Celtis tetrandra, a larval host

Rhododendron grande
Rhododendron grande, a nectar source

Butterflies of Thailand and SE Asia  -  BugsAlive Species Information Sheet
© All images are the copyright of Tim Stratford