<> Aemona lena Atkinson,1871 <>
the White Dryad ผีเสื้อป่าเหลืองลีนา
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Photo taken at Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 1580m a.s.l.

Limited distribution across the northern part of the region. This is one of those species about which little appears to be known. It is said to prefer the more shaded areas of the forest although its only recorded host plant is a palm that normally grows in more open areas. An easily recognisable species and the underside appearance (usually the only one seen) of both sexes is similar. There are possibly only two broods per annum.
Synonyms and previously used names: n/a
Taxonomy: Animalia - Arthropoda - Insecta - Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae - Morphinae - Aemona - lena
Regional Distribution: Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China
Habitat: deciduous montane forest, up to 1600m a.s.l. Wingspan: 70-80mm
Flight time: uncertain but possibly just Spring and Autumn
Larval Hosts: Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae), grass sp. (Poaceae). Considering the locations where this species is usually found there must be further hosts yet to be recorded.
Adult Food Sources: Nectar - not known if it feeds on nectar. Other - over-ripe fruit
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