Lasippa viraja


<> Lasippa viraja  (Moore,1872) <>

the Yellow-jak Lascar     ผีเสื้อกะลาสีแดงอินเดีย


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Lasippa viraja
Photo taken at Chiang Dao Nature Sanctuary, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 540m a.s.l.

Limited distribution across the more northern parts of the region. It is not sexually dimorphic and the sexes look similar to each other. It has a slow and leisurely flight. Unfortunately there is little information available about seasonality or number of broods per annum.

Synonyms and previously used names:   Neptis viraja

Taxonomy:  Animalia - Arthropoda - Insecta - Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae - Limenitidinae - Lasippa - viraja

Regional Distribution:  India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China

Habitat:  evergreen montane forest, up to 2400m a.s.l.                                       Wingspan:  56–70mm

Flight time:  not enough information available but maybe only part of the year

Larval Hosts:  Dalbergia lanceolaria, Dalbergia latifolia (Fabaceae)Hosts used depends upon location and availability of plant species.

Adult Food Sources:  Nectar - not known if this species visits flowers for nectar.  Other - mud puddling

Lasippa viraja
Chiang Rai, Thailand

Lasippa viraja
Chiang Rai, Thailand

Dalbergia latifolia
Dalbergia latifolia, a larval host

Butterflies of Thailand and SE Asia  -  BugsAlive Species Information Sheet
© All images are the copyright of Tim Stratford


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