Moduza procris DATASHEET


<> Moduza procris  (Cramer, 1777) <>

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Moduza procris
Photo taken at Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai. Thailand. 700m a.s.l.

A beautiful and striking species that is widely distributed throughout the whole region with the exception of Taiwan. It can be locally quite common. The species is not sexually dimorphic and although the female is slightly larger, the sexes look the same. Both sexes feed on flowers but they are not prolific nectar feeders. Males also puddle on a range of other food sources which are listed below.  The males are very territorial and actively drive away any butterflies that stray onto their patch.

The adults are strong fliers with a combination of rapid wingbeats and smooth gliding. They do however only fly for short distances before settling again. They are most often seen basking with wings spread on rocks near streams. The species is multivoltine producing several broods per annum. The larvae are rather bizarre-looking and are easily recognisable, covered in sharp spines or 'setae'; presumably to protect them from potential predators.

Synonyms and previously used names:   Limenitis procris, Modusa neoprocris


Taxonomy:  Animalia - Arthropoda - Insecta - Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae - Limenitidinae - Moduza - procris

Regional subspecies:   M.p.milonia (S.Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore), M.p.minoe (Indonesia), M.p.neutra (Indonesia), M.p.pausanias (Philippines), M.p.procris (India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, N.Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, S.China), M.p.undifragus (India), there are also several more subspecies distributed amongst the individual islands of Indonesia.

Regional Distribution: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines


Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 450m a.s.l.

Habitat:  Moduza procris is found in a wide range of habitats including evergreen and deciduous forest, agricultural land, urban parks and gardens; basically wherever their host plants are found and usually at low to moderate elevations not exceeding 1200m a.s.l.

Flight time:  all year round, depending on location.                                       Wingspan:  50-65mm

Life History:         egg   3-4 days        instar 1   3 days       instar 2    3 days        instar 3    3 days     instar 4    4 days     instar 5   6 days    pupa   8-10 days     Total egg to adult   29-33 days.    All times are approximate.

Larval Hosts:  Anthocephalus chinensis, Gaertnera vaginans, Hymenodictyon orixense, Mitragyna diversifolia, Mitragyna parvifolia, Mitragyna tubulosa, Morinda angustifolia, Morinda tomentosa, Mussaenda erythrophylla, Mussaenda frondosa, Mussaenda philippica, Mussaenda samana, Neolamarckia cadamba, Neolamarckia macrophylla, Neonauclea excelsa, Nauclea orientalis, Ochreinauclea missionis, Timonius flavescens, Timonius wallichianus, Uncaria canescens, Uncaria cordata, Uncaria elliptica, Uncaria hirsuta, Uncaria homomalla, Wendlandia bicuspidata, Wendlandia exserta, Wendlandia heynei, Wendlandia luzoniensis, Wendlandia notoniana, Wendlandia thyrsoidea (Rubiaceae), Grewia nervosa (Malvaceae), Prunus dulcis (Rosaceae), Cadaba fruticosa (Capparaceae), Tetrapilus brachiatus (Oleaceae).  Actual host plant used depends upon location and availabilty of plant species.

Adult Food Sources:  Nectar - Ziziphus mauritiana (Rhamnaceae), Ixora javanica (Rubiaceae), Chromolaena odorata, Tagetes erecta, Zinnia sp. (Asteraceae), Pseuderanthemum maculatum (Acanthaceae), Duranta erecta, Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), probably other flowers as well although no records found at present time.   Other - mud puddling, animal dung, carrion, rotting fruits, and  tree sap. It is particularly fond of the ripe fruit of Rhododendron (Melastoma), and also likes human perspiration.

Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Tagetes erecta
Tagetes erecta, a favourite nectar source

Ixora javanica
Ixora javanica, another nectar source

Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Moduza procris
bizzare head section of a late instar larva

Timonius wallichianus
Timonius wallichianus, a larval host

Mitragyna parvifolia
Mitragyna parvifolia, another larval host

Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Moduza procris
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Moduza procris
pupa a few days before eclosure     

Mussaenda frondosa
Mussaenda frondosa, a larval host

Cadaba fruticosa
Cadaba fruticosa, another larval host

Butterflies of Thailand and SE Asia  -  BugsAlive Species Information Sheet
© All images are the copyright of Tim Stratford


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               This page updated 10th March 2023